Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions
The shock of an unplanned pregnancy can make you feel unsure about your decision. As you decide, you’ll want to have all the facts about your options and the information about your pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about the abortion pill and what you need to know...
How Does Abortion Affect Mental Health?
Do you feel overwhelmed with your unplanned pregnancy? If you feel scared, anxious, unsure, or numb, your feelings are valid. As you think about your options, you’ll want to consider how an abortion could affect your mental health now and in the future. So,...
Late-Term Abortion: Procedures, Risks, Pain, and More
If you’re further along in your pregnancy, you may be wondering if abortion is still an option for you. Is it safe when you’re farther along? Is it more painful than early-term abortion? It may feel like you have too many questions and not enough time. Take a...
Is At-Home Abortion Safe?
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’ve likely heard the term “at-home abortion.” You may be wondering how it works, what your options are, and if it’s the right choice for you. It’s crucial to get all the facts, so you can make a fully informed...
Can Misoprostol Work Without Mifepristone?
Over the past few months, there’s been a legal battle over access to mifepristone (also known as Mifeprex), one of the drugs used in the abortion pill regimen. In response, some women have turned to misoprostol-only abortions. If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy...
How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?
Morning sickness. The universal pregnancy experience. Perhaps the mere mention of it made your stomach turn. You likely have a lot of questions—the biggest one being, how long will this last? In this article, we’ll explore how long morning sickness lasts, how to...
Quickening in Pregnancy: When Do You First Feel Movement?
If you’ve recently found out that you’re pregnant, you may be wondering when you should start to feel movement. Was that a kick you just felt, or was it indigestion? Sometimes it can be hard to tell. Today, we’re exploring movement in pregnancy (also...
Late Period, Negative Pregnancy Test: Possible Causes
What do you do when your period still hasn’t come, but your pregnancy test comes back negative? Could it be a false result, or is there something else delaying your period? Should you take another test (or two… or three) just to be sure? We get it. A missed...
Chemical Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Healing
A chemical pregnancy can leave you with a lot of questions and emotions. What causes it? Did I miss the signs and symptoms? Can I get pregnant again after a chemical pregnancy? You don’t have to process your thoughts and feelings on your own. HerChoice is here...
Blood vs. Urine Pregnancy Tests: What’s the Difference?
If you’ve missed a period, the one thing you need to know is whether or not you’re pregnant. When you Google “pregnancy test near me”, countless results appear. Some are the typical at-home tests you can find at any drugstore. You may also notice advertisements for...